Alex, one thing I hear over and over again is that the fossil fuel industry is subsidized by Government. This is a blatant falsehood. For example, the O&G companies pay a royalty to Government for the resources that they extract. They pay a huge sum of money for the lease hold rights where these extractions occur. They pay exceptionally high local and regional taxes on their infrastructure (higher than other industries). They pay exceptionally high wages which are all taxed at exceptionally high rates. All of these are sources of revenue for the Government. The O&G industry is a profit center for Government, not a cost center!

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I get this all the time too so this is when the left moves from the arena of science to the arena of social justice. That is why i say this whole debate has little to do with climate but more to do with getting equitable access to the free market. i.e. solar wants to have the same perks to get on & be held up by the govt.

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So Joe Rogan had Dr. Steven Koonin on, and now he brought on that Texas A&M Professor that you semi-debated with on Mikhaila Peterson channel. Hoping that you will get the call too. Joe Rogan and his listeners need to hear your Energy talking points!

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Dr Tim Ball - Historical Climatologist


Book: ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’

Book: ‘Human Caused Global Warming, the Biggest Deception in History’



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Has anyone else calculated the increase in WV that results from T increase and shown that measured WV has been increasing 40 to 178% faster? How valid Is the calculation shown at Section 7 in https://watervaporandwarming.blogspot.com ? Does this demonstrate that the human contribution to climate change, if any, is from WV, not CO2?

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Average global water vapor has been accurately measured by NASA/RSS using satellite based instrumentation since Jan 1988. They report Total Precipitable Water (TPW) anomalies. Their latest report is for Dec 2021 at http://data.remss.com/vapor/monthly_1deg/tpw_v07r01_198801_202112.time_series.txt . The water vapor (WV) increase that would result from just temperature increase is readily calculated as shown at Section 7 in https://watervaporandwarming.blogspot.com . The measured WV increase exceeds the maximum possible from just temperature increase by from 40 to 178% depending on which agency’s average global temperatures you use. This demonstrates that:

1. There have to be other sources of WV. (about 90% of the ‘extra’ WV is from irrigation, Sect 6)

2. Global warming was initiated by WV increase not CO2 increase.

3. Average global temperature increase results from WV increase not CO2 increase.

4. Because CO2 increase has no significant effect on temperature it cannot have a significant effect on climate.

All of average global temperature increase attributable to humanity since before 1895 can be accounted for by WV increase. Sect 17 of http://globalclimatedrivers2.blogspot.com

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Dr Tim Ball - Historical Climatologist


Book: ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’

Book: ‘Human Caused Global Warming, the Biggest Deception in History’



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Alex - just watched the debate between you and Dessler. One point you made, but a question that rarely gets asked is how does Dessler propose to build all those wind turbines and solar panels without using fossil fuels? The reality is that wind and solar do not generate sufficient energy to power the machinery needed mine/process the raw materials, transport said materials, power the manufacturing process, transport finished or partially finished materials, prepare sites, assemble, maintain, and ultimate decommissioning. In addition, the full cost needs to correctly account for the life cycle of the energy source - wind turbines are supposed last 20 years but rarely do. Solar panels may last 25 years but have a declining energy output each year. Fossil Fuel power plants last 40-50 years and longer. In addition, batteries are not energy sources, they are energy storage devices that must first be charged and the energy loss in the charging and discharging is quite large.

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Retired with 40 years in the integrated energy business, mostly in upstream oil & gas engineering. While your work seems like confirmation bias to me, it helps to see someone without MY background, make the argument that I've tried to make for so long. No one listens to this point of view when they learn that you're an 'insider flunky' or some other dismissive retort. Thanks for putting this out there. FWIW, I just pre-ordered the book!

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Hi Alex, What most don't realize is this planet is a killer. It has had resets, before where 1% survive. And will have more in the future. If we stay on this planet humanity will die out. All humanity even the rich and famous.

The last ice age isn't the last ice age this planet will have.

The opposite to an ice age is a very hot one. They don't seem to get any light shone on them. Possibly because they are mostly blank pages in the geological history of the planet. Conditions for fossils isn't as good perhaps. I don't know enough. But the omission of comment stands out a bit.

So before folk decided to worry about the short term. Have a look to the horizon and see what's coming. Have a look behind and see what has been. This planet has a cycle. Look at it. And see what is coming. Has come before. The only difference now, is we are here. In all our glorious stupidity. Maybe we can bumble through. Maybe not?

A planet with currently 11% more plant growth is at least a planet that can produce more food.

Cheers Bob.

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Dr Tim Ball - Historical Climatologist


Book: ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’

Book: ‘Human Caused Global Warming, the Biggest Deception in History’



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