I learned about buffer solutions during my undergraduate program in chemical engineering. The idea is that such a solution protects from changes in pH from additions of strong acid or base to the solution.

(Here's the snippet from wikipedia - which probably didn't corrupt such an article:

"A buffer solution (more precisely, pH buffer or hydrogen ion buffer) is an acid or a base aqueous solution consisting of a mixture of a weak acid and its conjugate base, or vice versa. Its pH changes very little when a small amount of strong acid or base is added to it.")

Regarding global warming, the earth seems like it was designed as a giant buffer solution against all sorts of effects. WIth large land masses and giant and super deep oceans variations are able to be absorbed without causing devistating overall changes in global conditions.

It's as if God created this glorious earth to place us, his children, on it so that we could experience this mortal experience and prepare to return to him someday.

Whether you agree with the religious point or not, the idea of the earth being the ultimate "buffer solution" still makes a lot of sense to me.

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For Undeniable energy fact 5 ("Fossil fuel energy gives us an incredible climate mastery ability") I want to expand on this point and invite comments from others. The commentary below this fact mentions how fossil fuels power "the amazing machines" that protect us against storms, extreme temperatures, and drought.

Some examples of these machines would be gas/oil/coal powered air conditioning and heating units (mitigating against extreme temperatures), water circulation pumps and drip-irrigation systems (for droughts), and diesel-powered excavators, bulldozers, and other construction equipment that allow us to build sea-walls, berms, and other storm mitigation structures.

Some of these machines are powered directly by fossil fuels, while others use electricity which is primarily powered by fossil fuels (but could also be powered by nuclear or other reliable, cost-effective sources).

One other point I would add is the importance of fossil fuel derived building materials and other derived products. Fossil fuels (in particular oil derivatives) are used to manufacture plastics, weather-resistant siding, and thousands of other useful materials that comprise our residential and commercial buildings and roads that all serve to protect us from our naturally dangerous environment. I think this should be mentioned along with the electrical and fossil-fuel powered machines this talking point already mentions.

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1) All countries should have full access to the types of energy they need at the lowest possible cost.Which means that (a) supply of energy should balance demand and(b) governments should adopt a neutral stance to all types of energy.

2) Combustion is detrimental to the microclimate in the short term and may speed up climate change. To minimise combustion’s ill effects we must strive to increase efficiency. As a general rule, big units are more efficient than small ones. And machines burning liquid or gaseous fuels are more efficient than those burning solid fuels: all grades of coal, firewood, charcoal and biofuels.

3)If we are concerned about pollution, again liquid and gaseous fuels pollute less.

4) If climate alarmists were sincere, they would back ALL technologies that do not entail combustion. And they would accept liquid and gaseous fuels as bridge fuels, to get maximum benefit the soonest possible

Instead, they fight gas. It is the opponent they fear most. And is also produced by those nasty Russians

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