We are already seeing this same scenario in Utah with the Great Salt Lake. My husband recently showed me an article on a bunch of environmental groups suing the state of Utah for not conserving the Salt Lake and hence- the drying lake is blamed for more arsenic in the air... And yes, it’s a priority to maintain the lake, but year after year homeowners with small plots of land are told that the reservoirs are low and there’s not enough water for their tiny farms. And one of the top three reasons environmentalists are saying they are suing the state for the water in the lake dropping is that the state is ignoring (you guessed it) climate change. Obviously my red flags go up. I suspect, the meaningful change they are suing for would be less water for small, independent farmers and gardeners who are already paying the price of not being able to grow. Meanwhile, who knows how much water is used in the ever polluting copper industry here (a brown haze flows from the copper mine over the lake and the valley of toxic substances that the state turns a blind eye to and decreases air quality standards and hides environmental impact on autism rates locally to obfuscate- all issues which are plainly visible with a naked eye). The strip mining for silver and copper leave the hills carved into which as soon as winds pick up, blow whatever is in those hills all around the valley. So, what will be done??? I don’t know but I’m sick of “climate change” the bill for which always ends up on the foot of the tiny farmers and random homeowners, is going to save the Salt Lake much less stop any of the pollution caused by factors the state is truly ignoring. If “going green” means destroying farm land and creating more desert around a salt lake they intend to fill back up to save a bird sanctuary, the birds won’t last long in their competition for fresh air against a desert, strip mining for copper and silver and the sand filled with toxic metals flying through the air. Once upon a time the lake and humanity (small independent farmers) flourished here. The only thing that has changed that is that a few mining industries haven’t cleaned up their act. And no one seems to be pointing any fingers their way. Just climate change, climate change, climate change...

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I forgot to mention, Utah also is home to the largest CIA data mining bank for “national security” in the hottest dryers parts of the desert, so who knows how much water is diverted to keep all those machines cool and running... and where does the used water from that operation go???

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In addition to green energy policies, there is also the cabal of the DEI-ESG-Woke crowd which believes that Maui Electric should be the source of full employment for Hawaiian minorities. They do in fact get to keep their jobs no matter how they screw up. Case in point was when I was visiting the County of Maui offices, an electric crew plus three half-million dollar boom trucks parked in the same place all day with the crew doing nothing but standing around joking. Regardless of the source of their massive inefficiencies, the fact is that nobody will ever get fired for it. If you hire to obtain the correct skin color, then that is what you get. Go woke, get smoke.

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