Alex- right on! Those who recognize the folly of "net zero"- and yet believe COP28 was a success are celebrating a pyrrhic victory.- In a larger sense, accepting the scientifically false premise of the net zero movement, cedes the moral high ground (and ultimate victory) to COP28 advocates. In doing so, it relegates debate to the optimal manner to achieve the net zero goals- rather than aggressively challenging the unrealistic moral and scientific premise on which net zero is based.

We ought not be surprised when the Chevrons and Exxon Mobils of the world ostensibly accept the false premise ( and attendent costly accompanying regulations) of the COP28 crowd. It is standard corporate behavior designed to introduce massive costly new regulations which will consolidate the industry- and drive their numerous small competitors out of business.

Thank you for recognizing the central point. You are prescient in recognizing that fossil fuels are a moral good which needs to be recognized in this debate. Like medicine, risk/benefits need to be balanced to do what is right. Kudos to you for being the first to recognize this. Failure will condemn billions to starvation, freezing, shorter life spans and misery which the elites are unfamiliar with and indifferent to. We must aggressively take on these elites for those billions who have only us to fight for what is morally right.

Thank you,

Noel Collis MD

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Psychopathic politicians are attracted to net zero because it gives them power over us which they can use for the purpose of stealing from us.

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I have been spreading the Gospel of fossil fuels widely among my family, friends, and anyone open to hearing the truth. The arguments centered around truth and being reasonable by showing pros and cons and weighing them fairly; those arguments, that you so regularly present to us, have proven invaluable to me as persuasive tools.

Alex: Keep on doing what you do. You are doing God’s work and helping to serve humankind by giving us the truth. Truth always wins in the end and reality always reasserts itself, no matter what Al Gore, the Greens, or politicians would want.

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I've been hearing talk about the danger of natural gas usage in the home. That leakage from valves in gas appliances invariably occur and that the health risks are dire. Some study is being floated. . . can anyone lead me to valid information on this topic?

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Thank you Alex for all your work! We all must fight back.

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