I saw a panel with one energy expert, one person who understands energy pricing, and a person with a political agenda, who knows nothing about energy, and who distorted or lied about everything he talked about. As to the members, it was split between those who really understand the facts and the stakes, and those who just spout the leftist party line. "Climate Justice" is an insidious term that communists use to run roughshod over people who are so racked with guilt (over nothing they did), that they will give up their freedom, their dignity, and their family's future to try to make racists and communists happy. It will never work. Giving these people everything they want would only empower them to take even more. You can't appease tyrants. And, most importantly of all, as the meeting went on, I couldn't help noticing that our side of the isle has the hottest women.

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Good job. The partisanship was brutal. I wonder if any constructive result will come from your appearance.

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BTW, you did an excellent job, especially considering the attacks leveled against you, and the barrage of lies and false information you had to deal with.

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The CEO of your country is mismanaging everything. He should be fired !

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Alex, if you are watching this feed

in time, note the lesser prairie chicken acreage habitat lost table at end of our latest piece.

They should see the big picture of the corn ethanol disaster, too. They all have wildlife lovers in their districts.


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