Thank you for your continuing analysis, Alex. Your articles are concise, researched, spot on and readily understood by everyday people living busy lives and pursuing their values.

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Did any one notice the Lancet chart shows precisely the opposite of the NWS chart? Lancet shows cold more deadly than heat by about 10:1; NWS shows heat more deadly at about 4:1.

Presuming both data sets are correct, can any one explain this discrepancy? The NWS chart shows deaths from "cold" and from "winter." Can any one define the difference? Even when combined, they are less than heat deaths.

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I noticed this too. Any comment from the editors?

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Another side of this WSJ article that they don't mention is that Texas is in a drought and we also can get water from the Gulf if needed. Central and South TX is on the edge of the desert and has been historicaly low on rain in the past.

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"No trend in US heat fatalities since reporting began" - chart from U.S. Weather Service from 1986-2023. Total heat deaths was total 5496 and cold deaths 1111. Looks like a heckuva lot more heat deaths than cold deaths. Something's wrong here.

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